Hill & Moor:
Look up to the hill Easbhal at the back of the house and if you are lucky you will see a pair of Golden Eagles, and if you are especially lucky, the Sea Eagle. Normally being mobbed by crows, ravens or even the Golden Eagle!
Later on in the year, at dusk, snipe are seen quite often in the garden. Stonechat, sparrows and starlings are all seen around the house. The starlings have seemed to take up residence in the chimney, and can be seen bringing food to their young!
In front of the house the Short Eared Owl and Hen Harrier have all been spotted quartering the ground in front of the house. The Short Eared Owl often sits on the big fence post just a few meters from the front living room window. The Redshank is also seen sitting on the fenceposts. Take a short walk to the machair through the township of Garrynamoine and listen to that most enigmatic machair bird - the Corncrake. If you are very lucky you might catch a glimpse of him in the irises. Arriving at the machair, listen to the Skylark's beautiful song, as he flies high in the sky.
Walking on through the machair you will arrive at the shore where numerous waders can be seen including the ringed plover. Looking out onto the Atlantic, cormorants, gannets and skuas can all be seen in full flight.